Hey everyone, this morning I had the opportunity to have a meeting with members of other groups also creating a film opening. Our meeting consisted of six members all working on creating separate openings and it was honestly an amazing experience. We all went around telling the others what our openings consist of and our creation process, when it was my turn to tell the group I got a lot of positive feedback; This felt amazing as I (like many others) love being reassured about my work, especially a project like this that I am super passionate about. I did get a few pieces of advice, some I have already been thinking of and others I haven't. I have been playing with the idea of using different lighting during the shower scene than in the rest of the opening as the shower scene is more ominous and should make the audience feel stressed in a way. My original idea was to have very dim lighting for the shower scene to the point where the characters were indistinguishable but now I am definitely leaning more towards the idea of using colored lights for the shower scene as I believe it could really elevate the scene and bring more emotion to it; I want it to bring emotion to the scene as I want it to be more about what the characters are feeling in that very moment rather than what they did or the fact that they are covered in blood. The following scene will be a character rushing to get ready and then gets into a car with our other two main characters and an idea I was toying with was following the character from their bedroom to the car but the feedback I got during the meeting was that if I do intend on doing this I should definitely not utilize shaky cam. If you don't know what shaky cam is, its basically a technique where the camera is being shaken in order for the subject to appear distorted in a way. Using shaky cam was an option but not what I was set on doing but after discussion during todays meeting, I am going to scrap the idea as a whole as I received feedback signaling that the use of shaky cam will only make my opening messier and less professional. Alright guys, that was everything I had for ya'll today! Check back in tomorrow for a fun announcement!!
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