Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted on here. Just wanted to let you know about the project I'm working on currently! It's a music marketing project in which me and 3 others were assigned a folder with a few songs in them and we had to choose one to focus our project on, we chose “Mountain at my Gate” by Foals and decided to create a storytelling music video. We went through many brainstorming sessions and scrapped various ideas until we decided to center our video on grief and how death can affect one's mental health. We created a shot list in order to make our filming process more organized; I included a preview of it below so you guys can get a feel of what our final video will look like!
As you all know we are currently living through a global pandemic which definitely takes a toll on our creative process. The biggest roadblock, in my opinion, is not being able to meet face to face to discuss with my peers as I believe that sometimes thoughts and ideas get lost in translation when communicated through a screen. As stated before we went through dozens of ideas before sticking to our current one and I do believe that not being able to brainstorm in the same room had an impact on that. Another challenge was figuring out the shot list, actors, and props necessary to bring our video to life; I say this was a challenge because we have to shoot on locations that are available to the general public but still Covid safe and the same goes with our actors we did not want to ask anyone to participate who has not been prioritizing their health
This upcoming week my teammates and I are planning to shoot our music videos while being extremely safe as the last thing we want is to put our actors and ourselves in any sort of danger. We are going to film as many scenes as we can outside but there are shots that we do need to be inside for; For those we are going to try to be the least amount of people possible filming as there will be less space for social distancing. Once all the video is shot we need to begin editing and start on our marketing strategies. We still need to figure some things out but we do have some things decided already such as that we will create social media accounts for our band/artist and will also create a flyer to either promote a concert or an album release. Overall, I am really excited to be working on this and to show you guys what my team and I come up with and I really hope you're just as excited as I am!